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Consider The Lobster (An English 101 Essay)

Intro Before The Essay: Have you ever been in hot water before from life? I know I have. I will love for you to read this article I read during my second time around in English 101 at the university. During that time, I was trying to cope with being single and losing people. Also, adding people in my life. The article you should read about this is called “Consider The Lobster” by David Foster Wallace. It talks about how Maine has lobster festivals. And think about it, you boil the lobster alive just to eat it. Sad, I know. But here’s my interpretation on “Consider The Lobster.” It is called “Save Me,” written on March 9, 2010. Here’s the essay:


The lobster is a living sea creature that people can consume inside their bodies and feel the sensation of pleasure and warmth. People can even see their poor faces in the tanks in their local Red Lobster restaurant and pick the one they want to eat. Now, the spirit of a brother or sister or someone dies in the boiling pot and must come back as something else or just merely achieve the goal of Nirvana. Acknowledging the fact of never eating a lobster in life, I had seen them. As the sadness in their eyes look at the people all around them, the lobster knows it is next when a person orders it. Pretty soon, new ones will come with the sad, gloomy eyes. Their cry “Save Me,” plays as they are picked up but no, this deed cannot be undoing once the killing of a lobster. Reading “Consider the Lobster” by David Foster Wallace (Wallace), he will take a stand for the lobster. However, Wallace shows the detail of it and that could drag certain people. Here’s the essay of what I analysis in Wallace’s art.

Animals were the thing that was studied the most during my youth years. As I grew older, I became very protective to animals. I do not even swat flies away from me. I do not even crush every bug that crawls on the ground. I look before I step so that way, the animals may live. However, not every animal I know can be saved. If that was the case, I would be tired and constantly harping on people “Stop!” Wallace takes a stab at that idea in his work. As I looked at the pictures, it seems to me he is advocating the fact that lobsters should not be eaten for granted. As Wallace compares the Maine Lobster Festival to “a Roman circus or medieval torture-fest” those words stick in my mind like mud. Of course, this is immortal but, this is something up to the human to make. I feel like the boiling pot engulfs me as I am screaming to be saved. We are all lobsters in one way or another.

This article really drew me in and I notice how the details Wallace used to describe this festival. I will like to see that but, in the same time, it shows I am a supporter of animal cruelty. I rather not see a lobster tortured in my face because it can remind me of some many things from victims of torture to my own well being. “Is it all right to boil a sentient creature alive just for our gustatory pleasure?” Wallace asks the readers and everyone who had lobster. The lobster is boiled alive? What the hell is going on in people’s mind? Sorry. That was my own reaction as I read that. How nerve wracking it can be. Now, by reading that, it reminds me of how humans are lobsters. As I said before, we are all lobsters. How so? Well, when people get into a heap of trouble, then, the worse comes out. The feeling of being boiled alive is the same exact feelings I felt when personal memories that haunt so much that I just could not take it anymore. I know I was under a lot of pressure and that itself can be the boiling water. Plus, things get added before the lobster (a person) gets dropped in and boiled with life all around the person. Then, the person is yelling “Save me! Save me!” nonstop for a hero to come out of the darkness. Most of the time, the hero does not come and we are boiled alive with our own faults. Sometimes, the water goes off and a hero comes, but those are like fairy tales where it seems like it ends in happily ever after.

The lobster is a living creature that the human world takes for granted. We are torturing animals for our own pleasure of food. After all, the human is like a lobster. We get boiled in our own mess. I will take Wallace’s stance on this. Consider the Lobster before something inhumane comes your way and the boiling water boils you alive.

Link to the article: Consider The Lobster