I Can Not Believe…

It rang true last night…and also when I wrote it on September 30, 2012:

I can not believe I forget to write yesterday. But then again, I could. It was getting late at night,
my mother was out,
my older brother was out until early morning.
Talk about the craziness for one day…
And yet Wizard101 took over me like no tomorrow.
The sun will come out tomorrow
Oh great “Annie” is in my head…


Yes I am still beating my head
beating this drum because I forget to write here the other day.

So apparently, I am talked about at my old church.
Even the priest asked my brothers if I am ever going to get confirmed.

Okay, father…I am not. I am a spiritual man.
Not overrated religious guy…
And well I gave it up.

Oh hello,
I was trying to do random and poetry. I think it failed miserably, would you say lads? Haha

So I wrote a poem on April 30th called “The week is almost over.” I guess I am looking at the weekend. No idea why. I do not remember. So here’s a poem I wrote.

The Week Is Almost Over

I have not wrote one since like forever in time

but let me state what has happen in my life that I can call awful while everyone says it is your lost

Immigrant March tommorrow and can’t even skip school for it

Si se puedo bitch

but oh welll

My name is Orlando, no it is not…..but it sounds hotter than Paul

but who gives a fudge cake?

I finally got talked to by one of my friends who is on a cruise ship, thank whoever is up there he is safe

He is in Mexico which makes me jealous.

I have 11 blogs and this is my 12th

Maybe it will be a secret dairy

or not

Saw Matt, Work at Ethnic Fair Last Week

and well no medicine for 2 weeks

and already anger play a damn role

so…time to close….

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